12 Reasons

Twelve good reasons why ATS-Systeme is the right partner for you.


We won't leave you out in the cold. What we start, we finish.

Made in Black Forest

There is almost nothing that is not possible. It's not for nothing that we say in the south: "Wir können alles, außer Hochdeutsch"

Many years of experience

Our team has specialized in automation technology since 1991.


For us, it's not just about business. We see good cooperation with our customers, suppliers and employees as the basis for mutual success.

24/7 Service

Our support team is available for you at any time. In case of emergency, we are available around the clock.


We work with the latest tools and software versions. Our employees always receive up-to-date training from the manufacturers.

Quick response times

With our remote support solution, we support you from anywhere in the world.

Personal contact

We may not be the largest company, but with us you always have the right contact person at your side right away.

Strong partners

We have been working hand in hand with renowned system partners for years.

We keep our deadlines

When we promise you a date, we keep it.

Flexible and individual solutions

With us, there is no software "out of the box", but customized software solutions tailored to your needs.


Our ecological footprint is important to us. That is why we are increasingly focusing on sustainable alternatives such as photovoltaic systems, e-mobility and digital process flows.